Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Evaluating the Availability and Relative Speed of Public Transport

6 October 2020

I've spent the whole day yesterday looking into an interesting problem brought to my attention by Wayne Purcell after he read an article by Simon Behar. I took Simon's code, signed up for Google Maps API key, got the relation ids for a few cities from OpenStreetMap.org, and the poly files from Polygons.OpenStreetMap.fr, updated my Visual Studio Code and Python installations and ended up with this code:

Note: if you are reading this on a phone, the horizontal view may be better.

import googlemaps
import random
import csv
import time
from shapely import geometry as geo
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

MODES = ["driving""transit"]

CITIES = {"Gold Coast""GoldCoast""Warsaw""Warsaw", \

# utc offset may change on daylight saving time (DST) change
GMT = {"Gold Coast": +10,  "Warsaw": +2, \
    "Brisbane": +10"Berlin": +2
POLYS = {}

gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key = "your api key goes here")

def get_directions(_from_to_mode_time):
    return gmaps.directions(_from,_to, mode=_mode, \

def get_travel_time(_dir):
    "In minutes"
    return round(_dir[0]['legs'][0]['duration']['value'] / 602)

def get_travel_distance(_dir):
    "In kilometers"
    return _dir[0]['legs'][0]['distance']['value'] / 1000

def get_poly(_city):
    poly_name = CITIES[_city]
    if poly_name in POLYS:
        return POLYS[poly_name]
        POLYS[poly_name] = create_polygon_from_file(poly_name)
        return POLYS[poly_name]

def create_polygon_from_file(_file_name):
    poly_points = []
    with open ("polys\\" + _file_name + \
         ".poly.txt""r"as raw_poly:
        next_line = raw_poly.readline()
        while next_line[0] != "E":
            next_line = raw_poly.readline()
            while next_line[0] != "E":
                pair = next_line.split("\t")[1:]
                pair[1] = pair[1][:-1]
                poly_points.append([float(p) for p in pair])
                next_line = raw_poly.readline()
            next_line = raw_poly.readline()
    return geo.Polygon(poly_points)

def generate_random_point(polygon):
    minx, miny, maxx, maxy = polygon.bounds
    pnt = geo.Point(random.uniform(minx, maxx), \
        random.uniform(miny, maxy))
    while not polygon.contains(pnt):
        pnt = geo.Point(random.uniform(minx, maxx), \
            random.uniform(miny, maxy))
    return pnt

def point_to_dict(point):
    return {"lat": point.y, "lng": point.x}

def dict_to_string(_dict):
    return str(_dict['lat']) + " " + str(_dict['lng'])

def get_test_point(poly):
    return point_to_dict(generate_random_point(poly))

def route(_citylocalTimeattempt):
    poly = get_poly(_city)
    _from = get_test_point(poly)
    _to = get_test_point(poly)
    out = [_city, dict_to_string(_from), dict_to_string(_to)]
    for mode in MODES:
        departure_time = localTime - timedelta(hours = GMT[_city])
        print(mode + " directions in " + _city + " from " + \
            dict_to_string(_from) + " to " + dict_to_string(_to) +\
                " at " + str(departure_time))
        res = get_directions(_from, _to, mode, departure_time)

        if not res:
            if mode == 'transit':
                print ("Route failed at " + mode + ", retrying...")                
                return []
            return route(_city, localTime, attempt)    
        out.extend([get_travel_time(res), \
    return out

def run(citiesroutesoutputFilelocalTime):
    with open(outputFile, 'a'newline=''as out:
        writer = csv.writer(out, dialect='excel')
            'driving_dist[km]''transit_time[m]', \
        for city in cities:            
            for i in range(routes):
                attempt = 1
                print ("Progress: " + str(i) + "/" + str(routes))
                res = route(city, localTime, attempt)
                while not res:
                    attempt += 1                    
                    res = route(city, localTime, attempt)
                res.extend([str(attempt), \
                    round(res[5] / res[3], 2) ])

run(CITIES.keys(), routes=10outputFile="4cities.csv", \
    localTime= datetime.fromisoformat("2020-10-07T08:00:00"))

Which, I think allows to measure the availability and relative speed of public transport at 8am local time on a particular work day.

Here are the results for Berlin, Warsaw, Brisbane and Gold Coast:

What was missing in Simon's article and data was a number of failed attempts at routing by public transport between points A and B. The results for Brisbane and Gold Coast may be skewed by their boundaries including large national parks without any public transport nearby. Warsaw and Berlin also have large forests within city boundaries, but they seem to be more available. Still, in Brisbane and Gold Coast you CAN get there by car - driving is checked first, so the data as the measure of availability of public transport stands.

The code picks 10 random routes and asks Google Maps for a route at 8am local time when driving and when using public transit, and then compares the times. The longer it takes to get from A to B using public transport, the less attractive it is for people to use. A ratio of 2 means that it takes twice as much time to get from A to B using public transport than driving. The ratio of 2 is not bad.

I will do more testing, but from yesterday’s runs, the state of public transport availability is:

1. Warsaw: 0 failed attempts, speed ratio of 2.9

2. Berlin: 1 failed attempt, speed ratio of 2.1

3. Brisbane: 14 failed attempts, speed ratio of 7.4 

4. Gold Coast: 54 failed attempts, speed ratio of 4.2

The availability of public transport for Warsaw and Berlin is close to 100% (need to run 100 routes, instead of 10 to get more accurate percentages, but my guess Berlin is closer to 100% than 90%).

The availability of public transport for Brisbane is 42% and for Gold Coast only 16%.

The next step will be to to include more cities and check for correlations with public transport mode share.